Here it is ! After a year and a half of work and learning, the game is finally completed! What an adventure! You can play the game right here, but I recommand you to continue reading if it’s your first experience.
At first, the game was built on the Unity 3D game engine. It is based on the game created with the Udemy course “Learn to code a trading game battle system with Unity 3D”. When I finished it, I added a lot of game mechanics to the root game.
The goal of all this was to build an alpha version of a potentially marketable game. The emphasis was put on playability and stability. Graphics and sounds are minimalists and temporary. The idea is to find collaborators, associates who would put their shoulder to the wheel to make a complete game with in-app purchases availablke on all platforms. Here’s a video where I explain my approach:
The game
The game is based on Hearthstone by Blizzard Entertainement. The game consists to destroy the opponent heroe with spells and minions as cards. Though, the best is to play here or watch the tutorials below. However, the game is only available on desktop computers. It’s sadly unplayable on phones and tablets.
Code included in course by Vladimir Limarchenko
Additional code by Jonathan Simard
Circular Outlines by N-Yoda:
DOTween tweening engine:
Blood Stains and flashes: All Designed by Freepik:
All drawings by Jonathan Simard
Sound and music
All modifications by Jonathan Simard
Music for tutorials :